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Cocktail Reception at the City Hall of Vienna, Wappensaal

A – Campus of the University of Vienna

B - Conference Dinner/ Reception at the Vienna City Hall,
Entrance: Lichtenfelsgasse

Distance: approximately 10 minutes by foot


Please note: The invitation card is required for admittance to the reception room!

Optional second conference dinner at Viennese "Heuriger"

Please note, on Thursday (July 4th, 2013) we will go by tram 38 to Grinzing (a suburb), which is located in the northwest of Vienna and which is famous for its typical Viennese wine taverns called "Heuriger". 'Heurig' means 'this year's' as an adjective in Austrian German and signifies the most recent year's wine that is traditionally served in those places. Please register, if you would like to join us in this optional second conference dinner. 

For further restaurant details see: www.bach-hengl.at 

The offer includes non-alcoholic and also alcoholic drinks (Wine, Beer).


A – Heuriger Alter Bach Hengl
Adress: Sandgasse 7-9, 1190 Vienna-Grinzing

From the Campus of the University of Vienna please take the tram (Nr. 44 or 43) to Schottentor. One platform below you can find the station for the tram 38 to Grinzing. Get off at Grinzing (last station).

Distance tram station to „Alter Bach Hengl“: approximately 2 minutes



Life Science Governance Platform
University of Vienna
Universitätsstrasse 7
A-1010 Vienna

Email: ipa2013@univie.ac.at
University of Vienna | Universitätsring 1 | 1010 Vienna | T +43-1-4277-0
Lastupdate: 17.06.2013 - 10:12